TRANSFERRING EXPERIENCE WITH GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN SLOVAKIA TO UKRAINE is an international project of two partners; GoLOCAL from Ukraine and SCCD (Slovak Centre for Communication and Development) from Slovakia. Both are national NGOs with a focus on sustainable development, improvement of environmental conditions, and supporting growth on local, national, and/or global levels. Official partnership between GoLOCAL and SCCD is based on the Contract Agreement. The current aforementioned project is implemented within the programme of Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic via an official body - Slovak Development Agency, which contributes to the project as a donor.
Why to promote Green Public Procurement (GPP)? Because in this process public authorities should seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle – this means, in consequences, improvement of the life of citizens in both, long and short terms. This is sustainable development in its very concrete and model way; and acting in a real time.
GoLOCAL is a non-governmental organization established to provide technical, expert and communicational aid to the regional authorities and donor organizations in order to ensure opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development for each part of Ukraine. SCCD is non-governmental, nonprofit, and independent organization providing public services in specific areas, in particular Education (promoting global themes – such as environment, decent work for all, education for global citizenship, sustainable, development, global partnerships, and similar) and the Development Cooperation (working with local partners within the territories of Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, and Central America).